Washington County Ambulance Service
For emergencies, call 911
The Washington County Ambulance Service is an Advance Life Support and Basic Life Service that employs 12 full- time personnel and 14 part-time personnel.
The mission of the Washington County Ambulance Service is to provide the highest quality, pre-hospital care for residents in Washington County.
Washington County Animal Control
The Washington County Animal Control's mission is to provide services that safeguard public health, humanely house and care for dogs in its charge, protect the dogs of the community from abuse and neglect, and provide citizens with information concerning responsible animal ownership.
Washington County Coroner
The principal duty of the County Coroner is to determine cause of death. In the case of deaths occurring from natural circumstances, the extent of inquiry into the death is left to the discretion of the coroner whom may authorize the physician of record to sign the death certificate.
Dead Livestock Removal Service
Callers should be prepared to provide their name and phone number, the location of the animal to be removed, the nearest cross street to the animal's location, and the type of animal (if known).
Supported by:

Washington County Electrical Inspector
For Residential and Commercial Electrical Inspections please contact Tommy Lanham at 859-324-3285.
Washington County Emergency Management
Kentucky law requires each county and city maintain an Emergency Management Department to serve the public safety interest of the local government. The primary function of Washington County Emergency Management is the development of a comprehensive emergency management program including an Emergency Operations Plan. The comprehensive emergency management program addresses the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from major threats to public safety, resulting from emergencies and disasters that cause, or threaten to cause, loss of life, serious injury, significant damage to property, or major harm to public health or the environment.
Washington County Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary performs duties for the County Judge/Executive, organizes meetings of the Fiscal Court and special meetings for the County Judge/Executive. The Executive Secretary assists the County Judge/Executive in handling correspondence, and assumes responsibility for personnel, payroll, general accounting, and financial functions.
Washington County Fiscal Court
The Fiscal Court is responsible for setting policy, enacting ordinances, approving the county budget, and voting on all fiscal matters which pertain to a variety of services including roads, public safety, parks and recreation, and human services. County residents are invited and encouraged to attend all Fiscal Court meetings.
The Fiscal Court meets twice a month at 9:00 a.m. in the 1816 Courthouse on the 2nd Monday and 4th Friday.
Washington County Occupational Tax
The duties of the Tax Administrator are to collect county taxes and enforce the Washington County Occupational and Net Profit License Fee Ordinance, as directed by the Fiscal Court. Occupational taxes are withheld from gross wages earned on a quarterly basis at the current rate of .75%. Net profit taxes are collected from the net profits of all business ventures, including public and private business, farms and farming operations, leasers of rental property, and independent contractors. The net profit taxes collected annually are based on Federal tax returns. The current tax rate is .75%.
Persons doing business in Washington County are required to complete an occupational license application, and submit a $25.00 license fee, made payable to the Tax Administrator. You can download and print the Application for Occupational Tax License, and then mail the completed application and payment to the Occupation Tax office, or come to the office to apply in person.
Washington County Planning Commission
Responsibilities of the Washington County Planning Commission include enforcing subdivision regulations, preparing and reviewing the five (5) year comprehensive plan, reviewing plats that divide property before they are filed with the County Clerks Office, special Studies as needed to do future Planning for Washington County.
Washington County subdivision regulations
Agricultural Roadway Guidelines
Washington County Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Map
Washington County Road Department
The Washington County Road Department maintains 230 miles of roads and employs eight personnel. Responsibilities include winter snow/ice removal, installing culverts and pipes, trimming roadside trees, road paving, mowing right of ways on county roads, sign placement and repair, maintaining ditches, patching road potholes, and performing general road repairs.
Washington County Recycling Center
The Washington County Recycling Center accepts plastics, paper products, including cardboard, newspapers, magazines, books and etc., aluminum and steel cans, e-scrap and slicks. For more information, contact the Washington County Solid Waste Coordinator.
Washington County Sheriff
The Washington County Sheriff's Office is a full-service agency for the Springfield, KY community, and has jurisdiction over all of Washington County. The Sheriff is supported by five full-time deputies. The goal of the Sheriff's Office is to provide service, protection, law enforcement and crime prevention to all Washington County citizens. Visit the Washington County Sheriff's Web site for more information.
Washington County Solid Waste Coordinator
The Solid Waste Coordinator administers Washington County's solid waste program, in accordance with established governmental laws and ordinances within the framework of the General Statues and Fiscal Court policies. The administration is overseen through the general supervision of the County Judge, and is evaluated through conferences, reports, and independent reports. Responsibilities include:
- Enforcing ordinance directives.
- Identifying non-participants, and taking appropriate actions.
- Expanding, overseeing, and documenting all recycling activity.
- Overseeing inmate laborers and solid waste employees.
- Coordinating, identifying, and cleaning all identified open dump sights.
- Establishing public education programs regarding waste management issues for civic, school, and community groups.
- Annually documenting and reporting solid waste issues to the state.
- Performing interagency liaison work.
Washington County Transfer Station
The Metal Recycling Center accepts all metals and white goods, appliances, for recycling.
The Transfer Station accepts bulky items and yard waste. We do not accept tires or weekly solid waste. There is nominal fee for transfer station use.
The Metal Recycling/Transfer Station is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays. For more information, contact the Washington County Solid Waste Coordinator.
Transfer Station Pricing as of 10-14-2024 |
Pick Up Truck Without Racks |
$30.00 |
Small Trailer (8 ft trailer) |
$100.00 |
Larger Trailer (12-16 ft trailer) |
$150.00 |
Single Axle Dump Truck |
$300.00 |
Larger Loads-Negotiable |
Washington County Treasurer
The Washington County Treasury Department's mission is to provide accurate and timely financial information, reports, advice and service to departments, County officials, Fiscal Court, and the public. The Treasurer's responsibilities include the financial management of the county. The Treasurer reports directly to the County Judge/Executive, assists in policy making, plans and develops all financial reporting to supply timely and informative financial and statistical data to the Fiscal Court.
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