What are Subdivision Regulations?
Subdivision regulations control how land is divided. Washington County administers the regulations governing the division of land, or subdivision as referred to by state law. Contact the Washington County Planning Office for more information.
I want to deed some property to a family member. Does zoning affect that?
It depends on the location of the property. Properties located in the Springfield, KY city limits are subject to planning guidelines that may not apply to properties located in the county. Contact the Washington County Planning Commission Office for more information.
Do I have to get a permit to build a building?
Buildings built outside of the Springfield, KY city limits do not require a building permit. Buildings built in the city limit are subject to planning guidelines. Contact the Washington County Planning Commission Office for more information.
Can I put a mobile home on my property?
“Manufactured homes” are homes built entirely in the factory under a federal building code administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (commonly known as the HUD Code) went into effect June 15, 1976 .According to HUD standards, "manufactured homes" may be placed anywhere a site-built home may be placed, and are subject to the same rules and requirements as a site-built home. With special approval, manufactured homes may be placed on property for tenants, and pre-1976 manufactured homes may be located in certain areas. Contact the Washington County Planning Office for more information.
What are the fees involved with Subdivision Regulation?
The Planning Commission establishes the fee structure, and all other items controlled by Subdivision Regulations. There is no intent by Washington County government to earn a profit from the Planning Commission fee structure, but rather to partially offset costs for providing services. Established fees are to be comparable, or less, to those charged in other jurisdictions for the same services.
What is the process for approving new driveways in Washington County?
Any encroachment onto a public road must be approved by the appropriate governmental agency. If you are planning a new driveway off of a county road, the location and entrance to the road must be approved by the Washington County Road Department. Contact the Washington County Road Department for more information.
A new driveway connecting to a state road must be approved by the KY State Highway Department. You can contact the KY State Highway Department at (270) 766-5066, Monday through Friday.
Does Washington County have a recycling center?
Yes, we have two. One center, located at 887 Walnut Road, Springfield KY, accepts paper products, #1 and #2 plastic, brown, steel and aluminum cans. It is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The second center is located at 1101 St. Rose Road, also known as the old dog pound. The St. Rose center accepts metals and white goods (appliances). It is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays.
Do you pay someone to clean the roads?
Yes. We have a county crew that works with inmate labor to clean all state, county, Willisburg, and Mackville city roads.
What do we do with yard waste or other waste found around the home?
Washington County operates a Transfer Station that accepts most waste. We DO NOT accept hazardous waste of any type. The Transfer Station is located on St. Rose-Lebanon Road.
Where or who do I contact should I have questions about solid waste issues?
Contact Brad Langford, Solid Waste Coordinator, at 1-859-336-7700.
Who do I call about getting an address?
Contact the Springfield Police Department at 1-859-336-5450.
Who do I call about dead animal pick-up?
You can call 859-805-0727
Who do I call for Animal Control?
You can call 1-859-805-1617