Washington County, named after George Washington, was the first county formed after Kentucky became a state in 1792. Nestled in the historic bluegrass region of Kentucky, Washington County is a progressive community with lots of southern hospitality and is rich in history and tradition. Washington County is home to the oldest courthouse in Kentucky, and is still active and open to the public.
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Fiscal Court Meeting Guest Speaker Rules
Anyone wishing to speak at a regularly fiscal court meeting must contact the Judge’s Office by 4:30 pm the Tuesday of the week that has the Friday meeting. Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting held on Monday, needs to contact the Judge’s Office by 4:30 pm the Wednesday of the prior week. The fiscal court meetings are held on the second Monday and fourth Friday of each month. Meeting schedule can be found on our website. You may call the Judge’s Office at 859-336-5410.
Contact Us
109 North Cross Main
P O Box 126
Springfield KY 40069
P. 1-859-336-5410
F. 1-859-336-5407